Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just some blah blah

Wanna see the Cascades concert?

Hell, yeah! I'm a very big fan!

Alrighty, I'll get us tickets.


I love Gin Blossoms!

I know...

How'd ya know this is what I want?


You always give me what I want. In everything. Even in bed. I'm serious. Why are you so perfect?


I'm sorry.

For what?

For everything I've wanted for us but couldn't bring myself to do.


I'm not dating anyone. I don't wanna date anyone.

Why not?

I'm afraid they'd all fall short of you.

You really think that highly of me? I'm not perfect, you know..

You are.


Would you promise to stay in my life forever, no matter what happens?

I think we'll forever be in each other's lives.

Monday, November 27, 2006


You Are A Total Shopaholic!

You have a keen eye for spotting trends before they are hot
And sometimes your credit rating takes a beating as a result
Consider a job in retail to subsidize your gorgeous outfits
Over time, you could become a famous stylist or designer!

You Belong in Paris

Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth.

You are a Brainy Girl!

Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.
You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.
For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.
An awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Before they were stars...

Got these really interesting transformations from celeb sites that I visit. I was so surprised to see Victoria Beckham a.k.a. Posh Spice looking like that. My reaction was ....Eeeeekkk!! Ugly!!

She was not really ugly. But I'm looking at one of the most admired fashion icons of today. So my reaction is quite acceptable. And besides, she's not that beautiful to begin with. I think she just knows how to carry herself in an elegant and classy kind of way. And she has done a lot (I mean a lot!) on her face to improve her looks. AND...her husband (David Beckham) is soooo yummy! I also think she's just overrated.

Kate Moss. Love her style! One fashion blogger said she's two seasons ahead of the other fashionistas. But this picture...oh man! Gives me hope. It's the reality that supermodels are not really born with it. They pay a lot of people to make them look gorgeous.

On the other hand, when I saw Angelina Jolie's picture. Omigod! She's really gorgeous. She doesn't need to pay anyone to make her look beautiful. She was born with it. As what Mean critic said, she's the only one who appeals to all gender. I remember telling my friend, "Only Angelina would make me want to be a Lesbian" Hahaha!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm so loving Eric Gamalinda

Letters to Theo

On another day
I found a bird's nest
and brought it back to my studio.
For days it sat at my window,
and the sun and the wind
nourished it as though
the nest itself were still capable
of nourishing.

A week later it began to unravel,
the twig frame coming apart
to reveal hidden fiber,
a bed of leaves, the patterns
of weaving. The more I tried to fix it
the more it fell apart,
and so I left it alone to fulfill
its inevitable decay.

And all the questions one would expect
from this experience came to mind:
Who had lived there?
Do their memories contain
lost sunlight, and this softness?
Do they leave to let things
fall apart? And how can I save them,
when they never come back?

Source: Zero Gravity

Just fucked up. Awww...shit!

I wanna get so tired. So physically tired that my body aches from head to toe. So tired that I would feel nothing else but exhaustion. Physical exhaustion would numb me from all my emotional pain.. It would keep my mind from thinking.

As I once read, it's the thinking that brings the suffering. It's the thinking over and over again that causes mental torment. But how can I stop thinking when that is all I can do.

You know what hurts the most?


When you can't fight for the one thing that would make you happy.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Six Words

Inspired by Hemingway's heart wrenching six-word short story ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn."), Wired Magazine asked writers/novelists/editors to write a six-word very short story. Here are some of my favorites:

Longed for him. Got him. Shit.
- Margaret Atwood

Tick tock tick tock tick tick.
- Neal Stephenson

Three to Iraq. One came back.
- Graeme Gibson

I saw, darling, but do lie.
- Orson Scott Card

Steve ignores editor's word limit and
- Steven Meretzky

Here's mine:
Drained. Destroyed. Dead. All hope's gone.