Saturday, October 30, 2004

My Personality Disorder....Cool!


-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges.

People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. They genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact. Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived as humorless and distant and often are termed "loners."

People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. They also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.

Interesting, huh?

Monday, October 25, 2004

Bus Ride

My friend, Jen, and I were talking the other day and she told me, "You'll only have one great love in your life." This has been a topic in one of the episodes of Sex and the City too. But there, Charlotte said you'll have two great loves. So which is true?

The answer hardly interest me. I don't believe on those things. Whoever said that in the journey called life, there's only one bus. And once you missed it, you'll never see another bus again. Then, what will happen to you? Trapped in that place forever? Scary thought, or even more so.. lonely thought!

Whatever happened to the "try and try until you succeed" cliche. If there's only one great love in your life, and you failed to keep it, would you still continue to try knowing that there won't be any other as great as that? Isn't that "one great love" idea so pessimistic? I thought every single woman is dying to meet "the one" a.k.a. Mr. Right that they try so hard to find him and mistakenly identify every guy they date as Mr. Right. Is "the one" equal to "your one great love"? How would you know that the bus had passed by and you just missed it? Okay this is sounding like one of those Carrie Bradshaw monologues. I need to stop questioning!!

Many people say that searching for that great love could be like searching for a needle in a haystack but whoever said there's only one needle in the haystack. And heck, if the needle is in the haystack, I won't waste my time trying to find it. I would buy another one. That would make the task a lot easier. Buy? Ooops! Bad analogy! Hehe!

Back to the bus analogy... Is the bus the only ride I could take to get home? Well sure I could take a cab or ride the train or maybe even drive my own car. But who knows... maybe one day a helicopter might come along and take me to places where the bus could never take me to.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Best Dates

Time for some serious blogging!

I wanted to write something about love (for a change) but since I have a very little knowledge of that, I'm going to write about dating, which i have a PhD in.

This topic was inspired by a thread LagunaMan posted in Urban-Princess forum. The questions are: What do women expect in a date? And if you accept a date invitation from a guy...does that mean you "like" him?

So, the basic question is...Why do you date?

There could be gazillions of reason why people date. But I will focus on the reason why women date, since I could only speak in behalf of the female populace (as if i'm representing them!). Or better yet, I'll focus on the reasons why I date. Answering this question will also lead me to answer the other question: If I accept a date invitation from a guy, does that mean I like him? So I should just probably answer the latter. Hehe!

Okay first, I have accepted date invitations from guys I don't like. So why did I? One reason is that..some are really makulit. This could probably be the worst reason why I date. I go out with them so they would stop bugging me. After that, adios baby! Why can't they get it? No means no. Am I sending the wrong signal? Or do they have a glitch in their system that's why they're processing the wrong signal? Beats me!

Another reason is... there are some really nice guys out there and so I'm trying to open my doors for the possiblity of a romantic connection. But I guess since it wasn't there at the beginning, it will never be there..ever! And so one date is enough. Ciao honey!

But the best dates I've had were with the guys that I like. those that im attracted to in one way or another.

And the best dates were those that aren't planned. When you'll just find yourself in a coffee shop, having a good conversation, enjoying each other's company and ending up wanting for more. And you'll just realize you're actually on a date.

That's what I want. Not a candlelit dinner with roses and serenading violinists, so superficial.

But my kind of date....sweet and yet, real.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dementia of a Lunatic Princess

Questions I've been wanting to answer, but people don't ask me

Given the chance, who do u want to kill at this very moment?
Male chauvinist pigs!

If you're a doctor, what field would you want to specialize in?
Cosmetic Surgery

If you're a lawyer, what field would you want to specialize in?
Women's rights

If you're an engineer, what field would you want to specialize in?
Funny, I never thought about that!

What's your long-term goal?
World Domination!!

What's your painful pleasure?
Tattoos. I have this constant urge to ink my skin.

What do you like about Britney Spears?
Her Arabic character tattoo on her nape

What do you like about Pink?
Her bar code tattoo on her nape

What do you like about Nicole Richie?
Her ribbon tattoo on her nape

Do you have a thing for nape?
NO! I have a thing for TATTOO! Damn it!

What supernatural power do you want to possess?
The power to possess everything!

What should a guy do to convince you to marry him?
Buy me a Badgley-Mischka wedding dress.

So you have plans of getting married?
NO! I only want the dress!! hihihi!

Were you always schizophrenic as a child?
Who said anything about schizophrenia?!? I have dementia!!

Do you think engineering caused your dementia?

*Note: Please pardon my insanity. I'm not usually this crazy. Just testing! Hehehe!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Vagina Blog

In an episode of Sex and the City (Ep 50 The Real Me), Charlotte has a Vulvodynia. In layman's term, her vagina is depressed. Her gynecologist advised her to make a vagina journal. So when she told the girls about this, naturally, their reactions were:

Miranda (sarcastically): What...a dear-vagina-why-so-blue kind of journal?
Carrie (in a sheepish voice) : Dear Vagina, guess who I have a crush on? *smirks*
Charlotte: No! Its more like... itchy today? not itchy.

I does a vagina journal look like? *grins*

I found a very funny thread in one of my favorite forums (or fora? hehe!), Girltalk, the topic is "If your vagina could speak". This was inspired by the book The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. If your vagina could speak, what would it say? Here are some of the responses from the Girltalkers, they're so hilarious!

"I'm in drought!!"

"I'm sick and tired of waiting!"

"I need another corn dog!"

"When am I going to get some action?!?"

"I'm so tight dearie, I'd better try loosening up a bit!"

"I'm dead tired...give me some rest honey!"

I remember a classmate in high school named Gina. We used to call her Gina Vagina (Gina, pronounced rhyming vagina). We're not actually making fun of her name. Well, okay sort of... but with her consent! Hahaha! She laughs with us about that. Oh those crazy high school days when saying the word "vagina" makes you blush because you feel that people who hear you might think you’re a pervert or something.

Its funny how we can openly and loudly say that word today. And even discuss about its needs and an appropriate manner, of course. Is it because of the power that women have today? Where did that power came from anyway? From the vagina? which came first, the chicken or the egg? That, i wouldn't know. I'm just glad that "Vagina" is now making a big name for herself. Kudos to women!

Friday, October 15, 2004

What personality elements make up your Personality cocktail?

How to make a Louise

1 part success

1 part crazyiness

1 part instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Let's talk about (a little bit of) politics

Ok no rants for today. There are more important things than my ruined nail polish because some guy at the MRT stepped on my foot or my aching body due to my ever strenuous workout or my mishaps because of the so-called Murphy's Law . Lo, no egoistic entry for today. =)

I was reading the Philippine Daily Inquirer the other day when Conrado de Quiros' column, There's The Rub, caught my attention. The article was entitled Still, Hunger. Let me give you a very brief summary of the article if you're too tired to read lengthy stuff, although i still recommend you to read the full article.

This is about the food coupons that Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is giving away to the poorest of the poor. Sounds generous, huh? But we all know there's an ulterior motive for this. Almost everyone would agree that this idea is all bullsh*t. As De Quiros pointed out clearly in his analogy: It is giving people fish after robbing them of the means to catch fish.

I get so frustrated everytime I look at my payslip and see the deductions column. The tax I pay monthly to the government is more than the total of my three days salary. I can't even spend that amount of money in one shopping day. Oh... I'm ranting again, sorry I can't help it, because the worst thing about this is that I know that the taxes I'm paying goes directly to the pocket of some greedy politicians (isn't that redundant?). This is one of the worst feelings... you know you're being robbed but you can't do anything about it. These people have the power, they have control. And what do I have? Just this blog to complain about their money-hungry asses.

Countless unemployed Filipinos, homeless street children, people dying of poverty... there are millions. I'm beginning to lose hope. I'm feeling sorry for these people. I feel sorry for us, Filipinos, who will never have a taste of the good life because it was already stolen from us.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Jaded me

I'm tired. Been doing nothing for days. Not exactly nothing, i've been surfing the net, chatting, posting at Girltalk, and blogging.. take note: in the office!!

Ok, I've been working here for 4 months already. They should give me more projects!! I don't know if I'm lucky to get paid for nothing. I'm supposed to undergo a 6-month training. But right now, I'm not doing anything. I was given a project that doesn't need a lot of thinking. Is it because i'm a trainee or is it because i'm a lady engineer working in a testosterone-dominated company?

Why do i feel that people here (my co-workers) don't take me seriously? They think i'm just another girl who's never good at anything but shopping. They would sometimes explain to me that the current is equal to the voltage divided by the resistance. I mean...hello?!? I'm an engineer. I know Ohm's Law more than any other laws in the universe!

Well maybe if Elle Woods is to law, me is to engineering. Hahaha! Its just so funny that my coworkers alert me on which mall is having their midnight sale and the schedules of bazaars and tiangge blah blah blah. As if that's the only thing I care about. That's unfair! I'm more than that. I'm way beyond that.

I don't need to prove myself to anybody. I spent my entire college life doing that. And I'm tired. I don't need their opinions, anyway. I believe in myself, even if no one else will believe in me.


"Women are judged inferior until we prove ourselves. Men are judged superior until they prove what assholes they are." (Nothing Last Forever by Sidney Sheldon) hehehe!

Friday, October 08, 2004


Previous post deleted


Great Expectations
(starring Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow)

Finn : What's it like not to feel anything?
Estella : Let's say there was a little girl, and from the time she could understand, she was taught to fear... let's say she was taught to fear daylight. She was taught that it was her enemy, that it would hurt her. And then one sunny day, you ask her to go outside and play and she won't. You can't be angry at her can you?
Finn : I knew that little girl and I saw the light in her eyes, and no matter what you say or do, that's still what I see.
Estella : We are who we are. People don't change.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I Love You Quio!

My dog is dying. He's my favorite of all our dogs (we had 14, by the way). He's an English Bulldog. Gosh! I've never cried over a pet like this before. I love that dog. Shit! Why does he have to die? Fuck!

Quio: R.I.P.

Sunday, October 03, 2004 kill time

I'm Rachel Green from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
Ok so i'm Rachel Green. (Yeah..I wish!)

What's YOUR Style?

You are UNIQUE! There is no ONE word to describe who you are, and it's equally hard to define your style. Exotic? Extraordinary? Different? It's most definitely unique. You follow your own style and your own path; nothing and nobody dictates your actions.

What's your style?

Milla Jovavich
Which Supermodel Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan!
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz